Features for Users:

Helping job seekers find great opportunities with quality companies.

  • Search and filter

    Browse through our consolidated list of active job openings in New Hampshire, search and filter by skill, experience and more.

  • Apply to jobs

    Submit applications to jobs directly on our platform and monitor their status.

  • Get recommendations

    If opted in, we'll email you weekly job suggestions straight to your inbox.

  • Artificial intelligence

    Use AI to create and fine-tune resumes and cover letters sent to companies, and automatically apply to jobs.

Features for Companies:

Helping companies find quality candidates for their team needs.

  • Post unlimited jobs

    Post an unlimited number of jobs for no additional fee.

  • Manage applications

    Receive and manage applications, and forward to additional team members.

  • Custom screening questions

    Add custom questions to jobs that will be required to be answered by applicants.

  • Artificial intelligence

    Use AI to help fine-tune job postings and automatically screen candidates.

Created by a local business owner

NH Hired was created by a local business owner in New Hampshire: Tyler Willis of ZeroToDigital which is a web development and digital marketing company.

Having found no modern job posting website solution specifically for New Hampshire-based companies and residents, he wanted to create NH Hired to connect hiring managers and individuals in NH and leverage the latest technologies such as artificial intelligence.

Find qualified candidates

NH Hired is the most comprehensive, active, and feature-rich job board website in New Hampshire, focusing specifically on NH-based businesses and job-seekers, and providing automated job applications, screening and more through the power of artificial intelligence.