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Health Services Technician

United States Coast Guard, Brentwood, NHPosted: May 17, 2023, 12:00am


Job type: Full-time

About the job

HSs meet the urgent medical needs of those in distress and maintain the readiness of Coast Guard crews. You'll be trained in emergency medical care and specialties such as X-ray technician, diagnostic testing, pharmacy, and dental treatment. You may prescribe medications, administer immunizations, or perform minor surgical procedures. HSs are typically assigned to cutters or Coast Guard clinics ashore.

  • Detail-oriented?
  • Drawn to medicine or dental health?
  • Strong in STEM subjects?

Recommended Skills

  • Listening
  • Provide Emotional Support
  • Nursing Homes
  • Provide Patient Care
  • Provide Compassionate Care
  • Monitor Nursing Service

About the company

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